First Responder Grants will present a specialized class developed exclusively for Public Safety / First Responder Agencies on developing, writing and applying for grant programs.
The training is specifically directed at First Responder and Public Safety Agencies of Police/Fire/EMS and Emergency Management or local government agencies seeking grant funding from Federal/State/Local, corporate or private grant funding sources.
This two-day Grant Writing training will be presented by nationally recognized grant consultant and author Kurt Bradley of First Responder Grants, LLC. Mr. Bradley is a retired public safety administrator who has been consulting with public safety agencies on their grant needs since 2004 and whose company has amassed a total of more than $1.8 billion dollars in grant awards for these agencies with a +80% overall success rate. He is considered one of the country’s leading public safety grant consultants.
Registration for this class is $450 for the 2-day class. To register, click on this link: