The Board of Supervisors generally meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings begin at 7 p.m., unless otherwise specified. Meetings are held in the Board of Supervisors' Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, 107 North Kent Street, Winchester, Virginia, or such other public place as the Board may designate.
Can anyone attend a meeting?
Yes, the Board of Supervisors sits with open door and all persons conducting themselves in an orderly manner may attend the meetings.
The Board may also hold closed meetings as permitted by law. Closed meetings may be placed on the agenda, or may be requested by any member of the Board.
Is there a time limit for meetings?
Meetings of the Board of Supervisors shall not continue for more than four (4) consecutive hours or later than 11:00 p.m. without the consent of a majority of the members present. Any items not taken up by the Board prior to adjourning will be added to the agenda of the next meeting without further action of the Board.
Where can I see a copy of the Board's meeting agenda?
Copies of the agenda and supporting documentation are available for public view at the County Administration Office at 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester, Virginia. In addition the agenda and supporting documentation is available online at The Handley Regional Library located at Braddock and Piccadilly Streets, Winchester, Virginia, and the Bowman Library located at 871 Tasker Road, Stephens City, Virginia, provide internet access and assistance to those wishing to download or print the agenda materials.
How can I address the Board during its meeting?
Two citizen comment periods are furnished during every regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The first period occurs at the beginning of the meeting and is a time for citizens to address agenda items that are not scheduled for public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Board during this period must register prior to the beginning of the meeting. Citizens should provide their name, issue they wish to address, and place of residence on the register.
The second citizen comment period occurs at the end of the meeting and is a time for citizens to address the Board on issues that are not part of the regular meeting agenda. Prior registration is not required; however, each speaker shall state their name and place of residence prior to their comments.
Any speaker wishing to address the Board during the citizen comment period is subject to a three minute time limit.