Frederick County
Home MenuEmergency Operations Plan
This Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is an all-hazards plan developed to address the County’s unique natural, technological, and human-caused hazards potential. It describes the system that the County will use to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from an emergency or disaster. Additionally, it identifies and assigns specific areas of responsibility for coordinating resources to these types of events. The EOP is intended to be consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF) and utilizes the FEMA Comprehensive Planning Guide (CPG 101) concepts for guidance that follow an Emergency Support Functional format.
The County emergency management program is delegated the responsibility and authority to respond to emergencies and disasters by the Emergency Management Director (County Administrator) via the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Laws of 2000, as amended. All agencies and organizations assigned responsibility under the EOP will maintain a level of preparedness to support its implementation, including establishing written policies and procedures, training personnel, and participation in emergency exercises. The EOP is considered a living document that is continuously reviewed and revised to reflect lessons learned during incident response or exercise training. Stakeholders should direct comments, edits, and questions to the emergency management program. This plan supersedes any previously issued EOP by the County.