Permits are required for construction/business-related burning. For a Burn Permit Application, click here. Agricultural, campfires, bonfires, and small, controlled residential brush burns are allowed without a permit. However, clearance of 500 feet from occupied dwellings, forests, and streets must be maintained and the burn must be attended to at all times.
Do I need an inspection for a tent?
Tents over 900 square feet require an inspection by the Fire Marshal. A permit is required through the Inspections Department (540-665-5650). Please call the Fire Marshal's Office when the tent is erected to schedule an inspection.
Do the stations install smoke detectors?
Yes, please fill out this form to request a smoke alarm. Also, the Virginia Department of Health has joined forces with Frederick County Fire and Rescue Department to install FREE smoke detectors into the homes of qualifying families
How can I obtain a copy of a fire or EMS report?
Incident reports fall under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. To request a copy of a report, please fill out the request form. Forward the completed form to 1080 Coverstone Drive, Winchester, VA 22602. You may also fax the request to (540) 678-4739. Requests must be submitted in writing and specify incident information (i.e., date, location, name, etc.). If you are requesting an EMS report, include a patient authorization form signed by the patient.
How can I schedule an educational demonstration?
The Department has a Public Education Specialist. Events and demonstrations can be scheduled by clicking here. Please give adequate time before the event for planning
How do I become a firefighter with the County?
To learn about becoming a firefighter with the County or of any employment openings we currently have, click here.
What can I burn?
Burning of brush, leaves, grass, trees and other naturally occurring material is permitted. Household trash and rubbish is not permitted. Rubber tires, asphaltic materials, used oil, or similar materials that produce dense smoke are also not permitted.
What stations have career staff?
Frederick County has eleven (11) Volunteer stations throughout the County which are all staffed with a minimum of 2 to 5 career personnel (depending on the station), 24 - hours a day. Volunteer personnel also assist with staffing stations, when available, to ensure that all emergencies are responded to.
When can I burn?
Burning may occur during the hours of 7 a.m. and midnight throughout most of the year. Frederick County enforces the Virginia Spring Fire Season, which takes place February 15 through April 30 of each year. During this time, burning is allowed during the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight only.
Which station is closest to my house?
To locate your first due station, click here.
Why is blasting necessary?
Blasting of rock is the most cost-effective and time conserving method for rock excavation, mining, or quarrying operations. By improving the efficiency of the operation, the life of a construction project is shortened and the inconvenience to you is minimized