Frederick County
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Frederick County uses eVA e-purchasing online system to communicate with bidders. This system brings together an extensive database of government agencies and vendors and enables us to improve our service to you by providing instant access to IFB/RFP information via the web 24 hours a day.
Competitive Bidding (IFB)
Competitive sealed bidding, and the issuance of an Invitation for Bids (IFB) is a method for acquiring goods, construction, and nonprofessional services for public use when the estimated cost is over $100,000 for all phases and/or renewal terms. Additionally, the County may utilize the IFB process for the sale of Surplus Property. The IFB, any addendums, awards and contracts will be posted on eVA, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s online procurement system.
An IFB is used when the County can clearly specify its requirements—price is the main factor in determining the award. Many include minimum qualification requirements. The IFB Process includes posting the IFB publicly for a minimum of 10-days, a public opening and announcement of all bids received, bid evaluation and an award made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
If the bid from the lowest responsible bidder exceeds available funds, the County may negotiate with the apparent low bidder to obtain a contract price within available funds if the solicitation contains the appropriate clause.
Competitive Negotiations (RFP)
The Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA) requires the use of competitive negotiation, or the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the procurement of all professional services when the estimated cost is over $80,000 for all phases and/or renewal terms.
Additionally, competitive negotiation may be the procurement method used for goods and nonprofessional services, when the estimated cost is over $100,000 for all phases and/or renewal terms, when it is not practicable or fiscally advantageous to use competitive sealed bidding. The RFP, any addendums, awards and contracts will be posted on eVA.
An RFP is a method of procurement used when the specifications or scope of work for the goods or services cannot be clearly defined. An RFP tends to be utilized for technical and complex procurements and offerors are encouraged to offer creative solutions that are customized to the County’s needs. A pre-established evaluation criterion and scoring method, which can include price, is included in the RFP. Typically, this criterion includes qualifications & experience, technical approach/methods, timeline, references, and price.
After evaluation of the proposals, the County may invite offerors to oral interviews and presentation, however, this will be determined upon the completion of the evaluation for each solicitation. Once evaluations are completed the County will move into negotiations with a minimum of two offerors; however, in the event that one offeror is clearly more qualified than the others, the County may make a determination to negotiate with that one offeror.